Bisnis PTC (Merauk recehan dari Internet)
English version
What is PTC?
PTC stands for Paid to Click, briefly also means you are paid to clik ...

What clicks?
Advertising certainly ...

Not paid?
Yes is yes .... PTC also abbreviations .... Paid to Click .... Paid = Paid ...

Need capital is not?
Need ... Computers, Internet & little time ....

do not need invest money?
Well it later .... if you want a serious ... if fun, free once wrote ...

So, how does it work?
like this, 1. Register on the website PTC, the PTC list I am trying to exist on the left side, that all survey results are likely not a scam.
2. If so, login to the website ...
3. Well, try to parts View Adds (usually), then there is a list of ads. Your task is to click on his ads, wait 30 seconds then get money deh. Usually every day there are 80-20 new ad, depending on his website.

Lha, is it me while working?
This way, his ads that we do not need to see and hold, while the counter flame, we return to our job.

If the time is approximately 30 seconds, return to the ad, then see already in OK yet? If okay, then open the window turns of the other ads ... back working ... turn off again ... Click another ad again ... back working ... is fixed not koq, long become a habit ...

was paid how much?
Depending on the website, the average between now at 0:01 ngasi U.S. Dollar

Well, do we actually paid for by whom?
Parties who advertise, plus there is also the sponsor.

If only $ 0.01 when the wealthy?
If the business itself is only that, we try to calculate: if there are 10 ads a day, we get $ 0.1. Means a month get $ 0.1x30 = $ 3.Setahun get $ 36, approximately Rp. 306,000 IDR if the rate of Rp. 8500. Ten years received USD 3.06 million. Emang small, but imagine if we list the top 10 PTC, a year get USD 3.06 million, - is still too small, too? Put another way ......

indeed there is another way?
There are, there are 2 ways, First: Upgrade membership ... hell to pay ... Different but the price ... There are only 20 dollars, there are up to 50 dollars ... depending website.untungnya what? we paid the value rose from $ 0.1 to $ 0.15 .... (Depending on the website), it means that if you count, a month can get $ 0.15x30 = $ 4.5, setaon get $ 54 means approximately Rp. 459 000, - add to it ... The second way: Find a lot of referrals ... :-D

Referral? What the hell is that?
Referral reference that means, it means there are others who use the list of our references. They were so downline we ...

indeed how the story they can add to our income?
There are several websites that give a bonus commission every time there is a list of references from our life.
so .... is not up yet ....
every click made by the person, we get a commission ... hehehe ...
commission depends on the website, there is also giving $ 0.1, or there are giving $ 0.05.
Just imagine if there was a reference from us, so the pay is $ 0.1 as well ... hmm ... automatic means our income so that our own 2X get $ 0.1 .... see? What if 10 people we reference? automatic means our income multiplied by 10 ...

Wait a minute ... there's more ... if we join with the upgrade, our income will go up again because much of the referral commission also add too ... :-D

not interested ... means it should look for people who want to list here?
Eitttssss ... do not say not interested once if not try .... first try .... If it fails, there is no other way ........ buy reference ....

it can be?
Yes, almost all of these websites also sell reference ... usually dihargain 1 dollar. On average, still selling the package.
There also are packaged with upgrade.akan but ....
if buying a reference, we can not guarantee that all of them active. My experience still just 60-80% active.

Why, they are looking for people to go into our reference?
They are the people who use the list without reference ...
So if you use the list without a reference, then later became referrals to others, hehehehehehe

Well, then we paid for how?
There are several payment systems used ...
Paypal, AlertPay and E-Gold. But that last one if one dah ga dipake rare.

I have no Paypal or Alertpay, how?
Easy, stay registration .....
Make way paypal list, see in my other post ... Make way AlertPay list, also in my other post

so it can be arrived to us in Indonesia?
If you use paypal, we can transfer to our bank account in Indonesia If you use Alertpay, usually still be sent using a check, then later on in the bank cairin sini.Atau sometimes there is also temen2 nuker who want money, we lived then he transfers dollar transfer rupiah.

Then how long the payment?
Depending on the part of PTCnya, some just took 2 days, there are up to 6 months. How clever we choose it just ...

Well, if that had escaped his website how?
Fate ......... many have fled .... from 1000 ptc, perhaps only 500 which is true ... so, pinter2 looking for PTC ... before registering, browsing first use google, for example, we want to know about, try the keyword " scam" or " trickster" (there are many people who participated Indo loh). Or take a look at forum2, including the forum of the PTC itself.

Many who complain do not?
I myself before the join a PTC must first survey, some of my posts on this blog (see link Recommended PTC). Well, because my time is limited, only a few PTC I discuss here ... slowly yes ... browsingnya too tired ... lol

Oh yes, then pick out all too well what the payment?
if a lot of payment proof (proof of payment), this means most likely safe PTC.
There are special websites which nge-review of the PTC, is one of them, or Try liat deh there first ...

Well, yes yes I have used the survey ... Thanks ... Sip ... success ... Btw, if you are satisfied with this questioning, use my referral so if you want to list. clay just on the main page

Ok, I'll try ... btw how does the list?
Easy, first click the first name of the PTC in this blog, continue to enter into the register ... and then ... contents of the requested data ... then submit / register...if already live log-in ...

Already ... Ad clicks which must be in hell?
Usually there is on the menu "Surf Add" or "View Adds" or "Adds" ...
Found ... Thanks the information, I first want to click on his ads .. You're welcome, hopefully help & quick get a lot of money ... : D

My plan would post tips for looking for referrals, as well as tips for promoting your program ... then all of a lot of reviews about PTC, it means have a lot to try PTC. Help with my reference .... yes Thanks.
There is another plan, that I would love that so referrals bonus for me then active. Wait, yes, register it, then I count ... Relax,

Indonesia version

PTC itu apa sih?
PTC singkatan dari Paid to Click, secara singkat pula artinya Anda dibayar untuk nge-clik...

Nge-clik apa?
Iklan donk...

Dibayar ga?
Ya iya lah.... singkatanya juga PTC .... Paid to Click.... Paid = Dibayar...

Butuh modal ga?
Butuh... Komputer, Internet & Waktu dikit....

Lha, ga butuh invest duit?
Nah itu entar.... kalau mau serius... kalau iseng, gratis dulu aja...

Trus, cara kerjanya gimana?
Gini,1. Daftar dulu di website PTC, list PTC yang saya coba ada di samping kiri, itu semua hasil survey kemungkinan besar bukan SCAM.
2. Kalo sudah, login ke websitenya...
3. Nah, coba ke bagian View Adds (Biasanya), trus disitu ada daftar iklan. Tugas Anda adalah untuk klik iklannya, tunggu 30 detik trus dapet duit deh. Biasanya sih tiap hari ada 8-20 iklan baru, tergantung websitenya.

Lha, kan saya sambil kerja?
Gini loh, iklannya itu gak perlu kita pelototin terus, sementara counternya nyala, kita balik lagi ke kerjaan kita.

Kalo kira2 waktunya sudah 30 detik, balik lagi ke iklan, trus liat udah di OK belum? Kalau oke, matiin windownya trus buka iklan yang lain... balik lagi kerja... matiin lagi... klik iklan lain lagi... balik lagi kerja... gak kerasa koq, lama-lama jadi kebiasaan...

Emang dibayarnya berapa?
Tergantung dari websitenya, rata-tara sekarang pada ngasi 0.01 US Dollar, berarti sekitar 100 rupiah per iklan.

Nah, emang kita sebenernya dibayar oleh siapa?
Pihak yang ngiklanin donk, plus ada juga dari sponsor.

Kalau cuma $0.01 kapan kayanya donk?
Kalau usaha sendiri emang segitu doank dapetnya, coba kita hitung:kalau sehari ada 10 iklan, kita dapet $0.1. Berarti sebulan dapet $0.1x30 = $3.Setaon dapet $36, sekitar Rp. 306.000 rupiah kalau kursnya Rp. 8500. Sepuluh taon dapet Rp 3.060.000. Kecil emang, tapi bayangkan kalau kita daftar ke 10 PTC, setaun dapet Rp 3.060.000,- Masih kekecilan juga? Pakai cara lain donk....

Emang ada cara yang lain?
Ada donk, ada 2 cara,Yang pertama: Upgrade membership... bayar sih... beda2 tapi harganya... ada yang cuma 20 dollar, ada yang sampe 50 dollar... tergantung websitenya.Keuntungannya apa? nilai bayaran kita naik dari $0.1 ke $0.15.... (tergantung dari websitenya), berarti kalau kita hitung, sebulan bisa dapet $0.15x30 = $4.5, setaon dapet $54 berarti kira-kira Rp. 459.000,- Nambah kan...Cara yang kedua: Cari referral yang banyak... :-D

Hah? Referral? Apaan tuh?
Referral itu artinya referensi, berarti ada orang lain yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita. Mereka itu jadi downline kita...

Emang gimana ceritanya mereka bisa nambah penghasilan kita?
Ada beberapa website yang ngasih bonus komisi setiap ada yang daftar pakai referensi dari kita.
Trussss....belum abis....
setiap klik yang dilakukan oleh orang itu, kita dapet komisi... hehehe...
komisinya tergantung dari websitenya, ada yang ngasi $0.1 juga, atau ada yang ngasi $0.05.
Coba bayangkan kalau ada 1 referensi dari kita, trus bayarannya $0.1 juga... hmm... berarti pendapatan kita otomatis jadi 2x lipat kalau kita sendiri dapet $0.1.... ngerti kan? Gimana kalau 10 orang referensi kita? berarti pendapatan kita otomatis dikali 10...

Tunggu dulu... masih ada lagi... kalau kita gabung dengan upgrade, pendapatan kita akan jauh naik lagi karena komisi dari referal juga ikut bertambah... :-D

Males ah, berarti kan harus nyari orang yang mau daftar disini?
Eitttssss... jangan bilang males dulu kalau belum coba.... coba dulu donk....Kalau gagal, masih ada cara lain........ beli referensi....

Emang bisa?
Bisa donk, hampir semua website tersebut jual referensi pula... biasanya dihargain 1 dollar. Rata2 sih jualnya paket.
Ada juga yang dipaket ama upgrade.Cuman....
kalau beli referensi, kita ga bisa menjamin bahwa mereka aktif semua. Pengalaman saya sih cuma 60-80% yang aktif.

Lho, mereka cari orang untuk masuk ke referensi kita?
Mereka adalah orang yang daftar tanpa pakai referensi...
Jadi kalau Anda daftar tanpa pakai referensi, berarti entar jadi downline orang lain, hehehehehehe

Hmm, trus kita dibayarnya gimana?
Ada beberapa sistem pembayaran yang dipakai...
Paypal, AlertPay dan E-Gold. Tapi yang terakhir itu kalau ga salah dah jarang dipake.

Saya ga punya Paypal atau Alertpay, gimana donk?
Buat cara daftar paypal, liat di postingan saya yang lain  ...Buat cara daftar AlertPay, juga ada di postingan saya yang lain

Trus emang bisa sampe ke kita di Indonesia?
Kalau pakai paypal, kita bisa transfer ke rekening bank kita di Indonesia Kalau pake Alertpay, biasanya sih dikirim pakai cek, trus entar di cairin di bank sini.Atau kadang ada pula temen2 yang mau nuker uang, kita tinggal transfer dollarnya trus dia transfer rupiahnya.

Trus berapa lama pembayarannya?
Tergantung dari pihak PTCnya, ada yang cuma butuh waktu 2 hari, ada yang sampai 6 bulan. Gimana pinter kita milihnya aja deh...

Hmm, kalau yang punya websitenya kabur gimana?
Nasib......... dah banyak yang kabur.... dari 1000 ptc, mungkin cuma 500 yang bener...makanya, pinter2 nyari PTC... sebelum daftar, browsing dulu pakai google, misalnya kita pingin tahu tentang, coba kata kunci " scam" atau " penipu" (banyak juga orang Indo yang ikut loh). Atau coba lihat di forum2, termasuk forum dari PTC itu sendiri.

Banyak yang complain ga?
Saya sendiri sebelum join satu PTC pasti survey dulu, beberapa diantaranya saya posting di blog ini (lihat link recomended PTC). Nah, karena waktu saya juga terbatas, baru beberapa PTC saya bahas disini... pelan2 ya... cape juga browsingnya... hehehe

Oh ya, trus cari tau juga apa pembayarannya lancar?
kalau banyak payment proof (bukti pembayaran), berarti kemungkinan besar PTC ini aman.
Ada website khusus yang nge-review tentang PTC, ini salah satunya, atau Coba liat dulu deh disitu...

Hmm, ya sudah saya survey dulu ya... Thanks loh...Sip... sukses ya...Btw, kalau Anda puas dengan tanya jawab ini, pakai referal saya ya kalau mau daftar. liat ajj di  halaman utama

Ok deh, ntar saya coba... ngomong2 daftarnya gimana sih?
Gampang, pertama klik dulu nama PTC yang ada di blog ini, terus masuk ke bagian register...nah... isi data2 yang diminta... trus submit/register deh...kalau sudah tinggal log-in...

Sudah... Iklan yang musti di kliknya dimana sih?
Biasanya sih ada di menu "Surf Add" atau "View Adds" atau "Adds" doank...
Ketemu... Makasih ya informasinya, saya mau klik dulu iklannya.. dahhhSama-sama, moga2 membantu & cepet dapet duit banyak... :D

Saya rencananya mau posting tips buat cari downline, juga tips buat promosi program Anda... trus sekalian banyak review tentang PTC, berarti harus banyak coba PTC. Bantu pakai referensi saya ya.... Makasih loh.

Ada rencana yang lain, yaitu saya mau kasih bonus buat yang jadi downline saya trus aktif. Tunggu ya, daftar dulu aja, ntar tetep saya itung koq... Tenang, kirimnya karena sama2 orang Indo sih gampang, transfer BCA aja ya.... hehehe